Industry News
Cancer risk in HIV, transplant patients
Immune deficiency suspected in higher cancer risk levels. [ + ]
Monoclonal antibodies for Monash
Monash University and Tecan to build monoclonal antibody production facility. [ + ]
Gene expression and chronic fatigue
UNSW researchers narrow chronic fatigue symptoms to 35 genetic markers. [ + ]
Possible population screening for FXS
An automated test could enable population screening to identify carriers of the genetic disease fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common inherited form of mental retardation, reports a study in the April issue of Genetics in Medicine, published by the American College of Medical Genetics and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a part of Wolters Kluwer Health.
[ + ]New genes linked to diabetes and triglycerides
Scientists from the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Lund University and Novartis have discovered three unsuspected regions of human DNA that contain clear genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes and another that is associated with elevated blood triglycerides.
[ + ]Monash University home to largest monoclonal antibody production facility in the Southern Hemisphere
Monash University has joined forces with international life sciences supply company Tecan to develop a new state-of-the-art monoclonal antibody production system at the University's Clayton campus.
[ + ]A genome among the gum trees
The genome of the Eucalyptus tree is to be sequenced. [ + ]
Yeast conference focuses on people
What is so awesome about yeast? Next week, almost 500 of the world’s top yeast researchers will gather in Melbourne to discuss that topic at the 23rd International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre.
[ + ]Australia leading the way with cancer research
Executive director of the Children’s Cancer Institute Australia for Medical Research (CCIA), Professor Michelle Haber welcomed the recent announcement of the construction of a new world-class cancer research centre which will be an outstanding new focus of Australian adult and childhood cancer research.
[ + ]T-rays searching for disease or bombs
Scientists have made a development that could improve the detecting and sensing of objects ranging from biological cell abnormalities to explosives.
[ + ]Genomic test to predict who needs chemotherapy
Duke University Medical Center scientists have developed a genomic test to predict which patients with early-stage lung cancer will need chemotherapy to live and which patients can avoid the toxic regimen of drugs.
[ + ]Blood test to measure regulatory T cells
Centenary Institute invention will be commercialised by BD. [ + ]
Frog molecule could provide drug treatment for brain tumours
A synthetic version of a molecule found in the egg cells of the Northern Leopard frog could provide the first drug treatment for brain tumours. [ + ]
Cheers to beer and all things yeasty
500 international yeast biologists have descended on Melbourne. [ + ]
Stocker rejoins CSIRO
Former CSIRO chief John Stocker is now chairman of the board. [ + ]