Lonza Clonetics mouse hippocampal neurons
03 September, 2010Clonetics Mouse Hippocampal Neurons are a useful tool in the study of many neural diseases and disorders.
Merck Emsure Emparta and Emplura grade solvents, acids, caustics and salts
05 August, 2010 byMerck has released a new positioning concept for its solvents, acids, caustics and salts so users will now be able to quickly and efficiently find the right product for their application.
Bio-Rad Laboratories SsoFast EvaGreen Supermix qPCR reagent mix
04 August, 2010SsoFast EvaGreen Supermix is the first member of Bio-Rad’s next-generation family of high-performance, real-time PCR reagents. Through instant polymerase activation, optimal primer binding and rapid polymerisation kinetics, the supermix is claimed to enable qPCR cycling protocols to be completed in less than 30 min, representing up to a 25% improvement compared to other currently available fast qPCR mixes.
Bio-Rad Laboratories SsoFast EvaGreen Supermix qPCR reagent mix
03 August, 2010SsoFast EvaGreen Supermix is the the first member of Bio-Rad’s next-generation family of high-performance, real-time PCR reagents. Through instant polymerase activation, optimal primer binding and rapid polymerisation kinetics, the supermix is claimed to enable qPCR cycling protocols to be completed in less than 30 min, representing up to a 25% improvement compared to other currently available fast qPCR mixes.
Lonza SeaKem LE, SeaPlaque, NuSieve 3:1 and MetaPhor agaroses
11 June, 2010 byLonza agaroses are claimed to provide quality, purity and performance for electrophoresis.
Millipore Luminata horseradish peroxidase substrates
07 June, 2010 byMillipore has announced the introduction of a line of premixed Western blot detection reagents. Luminata horseradish peroxidase substrates offer high sensitivity and chemiluminescent detection.
Bio-Rad Laboratories SsoFast probes supermix
07 June, 2010 byBio-Rad Laboratories has released SsoFast probes supermix, a reagent which enables researchers using fluorogenic probes to enhance the speed, reliability and sensitivity of their qPCR experiments.
Oxoid range of products for antimicrobial susceptibility testing
03 June, 2010The Oxoid range of products for antimicrobial susceptibility testing includes all products recommended by the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing for use in the European disc diffusion method.
XpressNOW transfection reagent: a new alternative for cost-efficient, high-yield, transient production of mammalian proteins
01 April, 2010The importance of recombinant protein expression and production for structural and functional protein studies is constantly growing.
Peak Scientific hydrogen, nitrogen and zero air generators
25 March, 2010 byPeak Scientific offers a range of gas generators specifically designed to supply hydrogen, UHP nitrogen and zero air to gas chromatographs. GCs can typically be operated with helium, nitrogen, argon, nitrogen and air, but which gas to use is usually determined by the detector being used. Safety and availability can also influence the selection of gases used for analysis, eg, high-purity helium can be difficult to obtain in some countries and gas bottles and cylinders pose a potential health and safety hazard. The purity of the gases required is frequently determined by the detector, though the level of sensitivity needed can also play a significant role.
Enzo Life Sciences Fluor de Lys-Green substrate
04 February, 2010 byThe Fluor de Lys-Green HDAC assay is an HTS-compatible, homogenous assay for measuring histone deacetylase (HDAC) or sirtuin activity from cell or nuclear extracts, immunoprecipitates or purified enzymes.
Supelco Supel-Select HLB SPE
03 February, 2010 bySupelco Supel-Select HLB SPE is hydrophilic modified styrene-based polymer developed for the solid-phase extraction of a highly broad range of compounds from aqueous samples.
Environics Series 3000 gas delivery/blending system
20 January, 2010 byThe Environics Series 3000 gas delivery/blending system allows on-site gas blending of 100% pure bulk gases.
Lomb Scientific Fronine pathology stains and solvents guide
11 January, 2010 byThe first edition of the Fronine brand pathology stains and solvents guide features over 200 commonly purchased stains, solvents, fixatives and mountants for use in histology, microbiology, haematology and cytology.
Synaptogenesis Kit for cell-based image analysis
17 September, 2009The Thermo Scientific Cellomics Synaptogenesis High Content Screening (HCS) Reagent Kit has been added to the range of Cellomics HCS reagent kits. The kit enables simultaneous detection of neuronal population, neurite, pre-synaptic vesicle, post-synaptic puncta and synapse using a fixed end-point assay that is based on immunofluorescence detection in cells grown on standard high-density microplates.