Lab equipment

Take a selfie of your cholesterol levels

19 December, 2013 by Lauren Davis

Cornell University researchers have developed a new system which, when fitted over a smartphone, can be used to quickly and easily measure cholesterol levels. The method has been described in the journal Lab on a Chip.

A new optical dimension in nanophotonics

17 December, 2013

Macquarie University researchers, leading an international collaboration, have invented of a new generation of nanocrystals called ‘τ-Dots’. These can be coded in the newly discovered optical dimension of time in addition to colours.

Aerotech Ensemble LAB touch-screen control platform

10 December, 2013 | Supplied by: Lastek Pty Ltd

A touch-screen control platform for easy automation of laboratory and light industrial motion control systems has been introduced by Aerotech. The Ensemble LAB controls up to four axes of brush, stepper or brushless AC motors.

Application note shows CG-MALS can quantify complex proteins

10 December, 2013

Wyatt Technology has published an application note highlighting a study on the complex interactions between proteins and how they modulate the rotational direction of bacteria flagella. The application note highlights the benefit of using composition-gradient multi-angle static light scattering (CG-MALS) to confirm the specific binding sites of the protein.

BD Falcon culture slides

09 December, 2013 | Supplied by: In Vitro Technologies Pty Ltd

BD Falcon culture slides provide a suitable surface for any study requiring a small, accessible culture area. In-situ analysis allows the user to culture cells in a plastic chamber affixed to a specially prepared glass microscope slide and then analyse them on the slide.

Tempsys Checkpoint monitoring system

30 November, 2013 | Supplied by: Bioline Global Pty Ltd

Tempsys provides wireless laboratory monitoring for fridges, freezers, CO2 chambers and more. The Checkpoint monitoring system uses existing infrastructure and off-site software to reduce installation costs and equipment outlay.

Attension Theta Optical tensiometer and 3D topography module

29 November, 2013 | Supplied by: ATA Scientific Pty Ltd

The Attension Theta Optical tensiometer determines wettability by measuring the contact angle of the substrate with the given liquid. This technique, when combined with the company's 3D topography module, enables the user to study micro-scale roughness in applications such as coating formulations and surface modifications to ensure good adhesion.

Food Technology Corporation TMS-Pilot touch-screen food texture analyser

28 November, 2013 | Supplied by: Next Instruments Pty Ltd

Food Technology Corporation's TMS-Pilot texture analyser is a portable, mid-range system designed for quick and easy food texture testing. The product can perform basic texture testing of most food products, including baked goods, confectionery items, dairy products, fruits, meats, vegetables and snacks.

Rheology Solutions offers free instrument testing

28 November, 2013

Rheology Solutions is offering free access to its testing laboratory and rheological technical staff during the months of December 2013 and January 2014. Anyone putting together budget allocations for viscometers or rheometers is invited to contact the company to book their lab time.

Ancient Roman glass inspires nanoparticle research

25 November, 2013

Scientists at the University of Adelaide's Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) have been inspired in their research by a 1700-year-old Roman glass cup.

Fluke 1586A Super-DAQ Precision Temperature Scanner

22 November, 2013 | Supplied by: Fluke Australia Pty Ltd

Fluke Calibration introduces the 1586A Super-DAQ Precision Temperature Scanner. With up to 40 analog input channels and scan rates as fast as 10 channels/s, the product is suitable for applications such as thermal mapping, process sensor calibration, quality control testing, life cycle testing, process monitoring and environmental testing.

Dytran Instruments model 3443C high-temperature triaxial accelerometer

19 November, 2013 | Supplied by: Metromatics Pty Ltd

Dytran Instruments has introduced the model 3443C, a triaxial, charge-mode vibration monitoring system weighing 10 g. Suitable for use in a variety of vibration monitoring applications, the high-temperature accelerometer is capable of operating under extreme temperatures.

Malvern Instruments Kinexus Series rheometers

18 November, 2013 | Supplied by: ATA Scientific Pty Ltd

The Kinexus Series extends the strengths of the Kinexus rotational rheometer. The Kinexus Ultra+ is optimised for advanced research applications. The Kinexus Pro+ model is suitable for a wide variety of routine, research and development applications.

Researchers create metamaterial lens with 10 times more power

08 November, 2013

Researchers at the University of Sydney have developed a lens with 10x the resolution of any other current lens. Writing about their work in the journal Nature Communications, the team explained that the lens is a metamaterial - a material with completely new properties not found in nature.

Nanoparticles filter light for microalgal growth

30 October, 2013

Researchers from The University of Western Australia (UWA) have helped develop a nanoparticle light filter system which stimulates the growth of useful microalgal organisms. The resulting microalgal cells, and their light-absorbing photopigments, provide high value-added chemical compounds.

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