Life science & clinical diagnostics instruments > Metabolomics

Biomarkers for SIDS found in blood samples

05 February, 2025

US researchers have revealed the fingerprints of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) within blood samples, which could open the door to simple tests to identify babies at risk.

Cayman Chemical Microbiome Metabolite Screening Library

05 September, 2024

Cayman Chemical's Microbiome Metabolite Screening Library consists of three plates and contains approximately 140 metabolites of gut microbiota.

Facial temperature could help diagnose metabolic diseases

12 July, 2024

Chinese researchers have discovered that temperatures in different face regions are associated with various chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Omega-6 fatty acid could reduce your risk of bipolar

21 May, 2024

Arachidonic acid — a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid — may exert an effect on bipolar disorder risk by affecting neurodevelopmental pathways.

Blood-based biomarker can detect sleep deprivation

19 March, 2024

The biomarker detected whether individuals had been awake for 24 hours with a 99.2% probability of being correct, when compared to their own well-rested sample.

PhenoSys Calobox metabolic measuring device for animal behaviour research

19 February, 2024

The product is designed to make indirect calorimetry of mice, rats, birds and other small vertebrates feasible for every researcher.

High levels of beneficial fats found in breastmilk

09 October, 2023

Researchers have found that ether lipids are present in significantly higher concentrations in breastmilk compared to formula and other animal- and plant-based milks.

Metabolic markers predict how people will react to COVID

31 July, 2023

Researchers have revealed the key biological indicators that predict when a person will have a severe reaction to COVID-19.

New analytical technique uncovers >100 fatty acids

25 July, 2023

Researchers have uncovered 103 new unsaturated fatty acids in human-derived samples, doubling the number previously reported in human blood plasma.

Rapid cancer diagnosis using urine

07 April, 2023

Researchers have successfully developed a strip-type urine sensor that can amplify the light signal of metabolites in urine for diagnosing cancer in the field.

Microfluidic device enables less invasive cancer diagnostics

01 March, 2023

Researchers have developed a new device that can detect and analyse cancer cells from blood samples, enabling doctors to avoid invasive biopsy surgeries.

Metabolite delivery helps prevent food allergies

26 August, 2022

Scientists have designed a new way to deliver a bacterial compound known as butyrate, which has shown promise against allergic reactions in lab tests.

Asthmatics found to have a distinct metabolite profile

07 July, 2022

Severe asthmatics have a distinct biochemical (metabolite) profile detectable in their urine — a breakthrough that could lead to more effective treatments.

Embryo selection biomarkers help reduce time to pregnancy

22 December, 2021

Scientists have identified two biological markers to improve embryo selection for IVF patients, which should help them to get pregnant sooner.

Breath test helps tailor precise treatments for epilepsy

13 August, 2021

The new technology provides doctors with a non-invasive test that gives them immediate clues as to how well the course of therapy is going.

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