Sorting stem cells
08 January, 2013A team of researchers from Scotland has now demonstrated a way to easily distinguish undifferentiated embryonic stem cells from later-stage stem cells.
Life Technologies QuantStudio 3D Digital PCR System
07 January, 2013 | Supplied by: Life TechnologiesLife Technologies has announced the QuantStudio 3D Digital PCR System. The benchtop platform features a simple workflow with minimal hands-on time.
Alere Determine Combo HIV 1/2 Ag/Ab rapid test for HIV
19 December, 2012 | Supplied by: Alere AustraliaAlere Australia has gained approval for the marketing in Australia of the Alere Determine Combo HIV 1/2 Ag/Ab rapid test for HIV.
DNA to protect energy stations in Sweden
14 December, 2012DNA-based anticounterfeiting technology company Applied DNA Sciences has announced that its evidentiary smartDNA platform has been adopted by Vattenfall Eldistribution AB to protect copper assets located in energy stations throughout Sweden.
Epigenetics and homosexuality
14 December, 2012Is homosexuality genetic? It’s a long-running debate.
Sequencing systems resolve genetic mutations in over 4000 blood cancer cases
12 December, 2012 | Supplied by: Roche Diagnostic SystemsAt the 2012 American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting, Roche announced the presentation of results from the large-scale study IRON-II through an international research consortium. Based on next-generation 454 Sequencing Systems from Roche, the study aims to characterise selected genes in individuals with a wide range of haematological malignancies.
Researcher cuts DNA extraction time from days to hours
11 December, 2012 | Supplied by: GeneWorksDurham University researcher Alice Rowland has benefited from the use of the PowerPlant Pro DNA Isolation kit in extracting DNA from the cells of arctic birch trees. Her investigations of patches of forest in the arctic conditions of Northern Sweden were hampered by slow DNA extraction, until the selection of the kit cut procedures down dramatically.
QUT evolutionist out to understand a bug’s life
11 December, 2012Dr Stephen Cameron, a Research Fellow from Queensland University of Technology’s Science and Engineering Faculty, has been awarded a Future Fellowship worth almost $700,000 to analyse genomic data to find out how insects evolved and, in doing so, come to a greater understanding of what makes insects such a successful branch on the tree of life.
Diatron Pictus 700 clinical chemistry analyser
03 December, 2012 | Supplied by: Hospital Engineering & Consultancy LtdThe Diatron Group has developed its latest clinical chemistry analyser, the Pictus 700, as a fully automated, random-access system, suitable for the modern laboratory.
Oral vaccine delivery via pollen shells
30 November, 2012Any system that makes the delivery of vaccines easier is a boon to world health.
Quantifying protein-protein binding
30 November, 2012 by Daniel Some, Principal Scientist, Wyatt Technology Corporation | Supplied by: Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (Oceania) Pty LtdComposition-gradient static light scattering can be used to determine the binding affinity and stoichiometry of reversible protein complexes, without tagging, immobilisation or other modifications. The method can distinguish and quantify multiple simultaneous stoichiometries.
Bio-Rad Laboratories Hard-Shell 96-well plates
29 November, 2012 | Supplied by: Bio-Rad Laboratories Pty LtdBio-Rad Laboratories has announced the availability of two 96-well Hard-Shell plates for PCR and real-time PCR (qPCR).
Thermo Scientific Cool Cut Clamp
29 November, 2012 | Supplied by: Thermo Fisher ScientificThe Thermo Scientific Cool Cut Clamp is a peltier-cooled specimen clamp which maintains paraffin blocks at suitable temperatures for sectioning for a prolonged period.
Survival gene may be key to controlling HIV and hepatitis
27 November, 2012A newly discovered gene that is essential for embryo survival could also hold the key to treating and potentially controlling chronic infections such as HIV, hepatitis and tuberculosis.
NH DyeAGNOSTICS Refraction 2D protein labelling kit
21 November, 2012 | Supplied by: Sapphire BioscienceRefraction-2D is a novel technology for multiplex-fluorescence 2D gel electrophoresis from NH DyeAGNOSTICS.