Life Scientist > Life Sciences

Stem cell lines specific to disease

08 August, 2008 by Kate McDonald

US scientists create 20 disease-specific stem cell lines for global research use

Hep C trial for Biotron

07 August, 2008 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Biotron commences phase Ib/IIa testing of HCV treatment

Sputnik takes on the mamavirus

07 August, 2008 by Kate McDonald

Viruses come alive as French scientists discover new family of viruses that infects others

CRX08: The devil you try to know

06 August, 2008 by Fiona Wylie

The Clinical Research Excellence (CRX08) conference starts in Brisbane tomorrow. We talk flu pandemics with plenary speaker Anne Kelso.

Research hotel for plant life

01 August, 2008 by Kate McDonald

High Resolution Plant Phenomics Centre launched in Canberra

Translating biomarkers by CRC

22 July, 2008 by Kate McDonald

$130 million CRC for biomarker translation opened at La Trobe

Lrh1 and ovulation regulation

21 July, 2008 by Kate McDonald

Researchers discover Lrh1 gene regulates and blocks ovulation

SCS wins media patent

10 July, 2008 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Stem Cell Sciences wins UK patent covering enzyme inhibitor cocktail

ASM: Parasites sans frontiers

04 July, 2008 by Fiona Wylie

Professor Alan Cowman of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute will deliver the Rubbo Oration at this year's Australian Society of Microbiology (ASM) annual meeting, being held in Melbourne next week.

BIO 2008: Comparing stem cells

19 June, 2008 by Kate McDonald

Joint NSW/Victorian project to compare three types of stem cells

BIO 2008: Vic-Cal stem cells

19 June, 2008 by Kate McDonald

Victoria and California sign first MOU on inter-country stem cell research

ASCC scores iPS cells

11 June, 2008 by Kate McDonald

Australian scientists to study iPS cells from Thompson lab.

Clues to ancestral origin of placenta

14 April, 2008 by Amy Adams

US research investigates the evolution of the mammalian placenta.

$1m for stem cell research

11 April, 2008 by Kate McDonald

NSW and Victoria join forces to fund stem cell research.

Reptile lipids are breathtaking

11 April, 2008 by Geraldine Hinter

Cholesterol is an essential ingredient in healthy lung function, Australian research shows.

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