Thermo Scientific RapidStak microplate mover and the TTP LabTech mosquito X1 nanolitre pipettor integration
Thermo Fisher Scientific has released an efficient, high-throughput platform for hit-picking of compounds for secondary screening. The solution, developed in collaboration with TTP LabTech for BioFocus, integrates the Thermo Scientific RapidStak microplate mover and the TTP LabTech mosquito X1 nanolitre pipettor to provide high-speed plate handling and precision, low-volume sampling from high-density formats.
Millions of data points are generated by high-throughput screens, yet only a small percentage are identified as active compounds, requiring consolidation for further ‘hit to lead’ or secondary screening. Because hit rates are often very low, it is necessary to process high volumes of plates and manual or semi-automated set-ups cannot deliver the throughput required. Integrating the mosquito and RapidStak technologies has enabled the development of a fully automated solution for BioFocus that offers true ‘walk-away’ capabilities.
The fully automated hit-picking platform is controlled by the mosquito CherryPicker software. This will convert a CSV file of transfers (pick lists) from a laboratory information management system into an optimised protocol for the mosquito X1 and RapidStak before managing the run. Barcoded plates can be stacked in any order in the RapidStak, utilising buffer nest technology that allows for the high-speed, parallel processing of stacking and plate loading.
As a plate is loaded, the barcode is read and the correct transfers for that plate are carried out. CherryPicker automatically optimises all mosquito protocols for efficient tip usage and optimal dispense heights and, if required, it can also track the source plate volumes for subsequent reporting. Furthermore, a multi-dispense option can dispense into multiple wells or wells within multiple plates from a single aspiration, offering significant time-saving benefits.
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