Industry News
Breast cancer susceptibility genes identified
An international research consortium has identified four genes believed to increase susceptibility to breast cancer. [ + ]
Australian supplier for Eppendorf
The Lomb Group has recently been appointed the national distributor for the Eppendorf range of products.
[ + ]Funding for business globalisation
The government has introduced the Global Opportunities program, promising $254.1 million over 10 years to help Australian companies become global businesses.
[ + ]Australian nanotech forces combine
The Australian Institute for Commercialisation (AIC) and the Australian Nano Business Forum (ANBF) have combined to help raise industry awareness of the potential of nanotechnology.
[ + ]World’s largest ice sheet still appears stable
Scientists from New Zealand and Australia have used mountains as giant ‘dipsticks’ to analyse the history of the world's largest ice sheet.
[ + ]Opinion: The inaugural ALS honour roll of screw-ups
The hunt for Wobbly is on. [ + ]
Protein tree of life
US researchers have constructed the first family tree of metabolic protein architecture. [ + ]
hESCs differentiated into islet-like clusters
Geron scientists and collaborators differentiate human embryonic stem cells into insulin-producing islet-like clusters. [ + ]
New Fed Fellows named
Five biologists are amongst the 20 Federation Fellows named for 2007. [ + ]
Scientific Solutions distributing Gamry for local market
Scientific Solutions has reached a distribution agreement with the US company, Gamry Instruments.
[ + ]Sydney professor honoured with prestigious award
Two respected chemists across the world from one another will share the 2007 Welch Award in Chemistry, bestowed for their achievements in theoretical chemistry.
[ + ]Is p53 a double-edged sword?
p53, the gene thought to be essential in helping chemotherapy kill cancer cells, may actually help them thrive. [ + ]
Rapid diagnostic for flaviviruses
A Queensland PhD student has come up with a rapid diagnostic test for Dengue fever. [ + ]
A summit to clean up industry
Leading international scientists will join top Australian industry executives in a national summit, for three days commencing on 24 June, to discuss how to clean up and prevent future contamination.
[ + ]Stats outsmarting brain tumours
Statistical techniques help pinpoint two biomarkers for aggressive gliomas [ + ]