Mobile HEPA Air Cleaners for the Life Science Industry
Camfil air cleaners are designed to supplement the HVAC system to not only protect people, products and processes but also to reduce energy consumption. [ + ]
Enabling new levels of quantification
The SCIEX Triple Quad 7500 LC-MS/MS System is QTRAP ready, and designed to achieve high levels of sensitivity while retaining quantitative performance. [ + ]
Cell tracking casts doubt over fluorescent microscopy validity
Livecyte facilitates high resolution images during cell analysis, without the need for fluorescence, which can perturb cells and affect experiments. [ + ]
Storage solutions for today and tomorrow's vaccines
A vaccine is only as good as the place it's stored in, as most require highly specific temperatures to remain effective. [ + ]
60-year anniversary of a pipetting masterstroke
60 years ago, Eppendorf changed the ways of liquid handling forever with a new product type that enables today's scientists to talk and pipette simultaneously. [ + ]
Transforming mAb purification
Monoclonal antibodies are some of the best-selling biopharmaceuticals, so it's no wonder that there are plenty of options now available when it comes to the capture step using antibody affinity resins. [ + ]
Solid dosage technology in fluid bed products
When it comes to fluid beds, the Magnaflo and Mangnacoater systems are designed with high-quality elements to optimise the process and ensure quality output. [ + ]
Smart water for you, and your science
Pure water is elemental to the success of your experiments. But finding the right water system for your research goes deeper than water quality alone. [ + ]
Tips for purifying and analysing cryo-EM samples
Good protein characterisation and protein purification are imperative to yield a sample with the quality required for successful cryo-EM. [ + ]
Keeping temperature-sensitive samples cool during centrifugation is critical for optimised and reproducible results
By maintaining temperature-sensitive biomolecules within their samples at a cool temperature (usually 4°C) throughout the centrifugation process, results are optimised and a high level of reproducibility is achievable. [ + ]
Protein Purification Made Easy
Proteins can be isolated based on differences in their physical and chemical properties, and can be analysed and purified using techniques like centrifugation, electrophoresis and chromatography. [ + ]
Innovative enclosed blood collection system
This system allows the user to draw blood from the patient using the aspiration or vacuum technique. [ + ]
Disjointed no more: Agilent helps a leading research institution manage resources
iLab Operations Software, by Agilent CrossLab, is a one-stop shop for lab management. [ + ]
A flexible new facility for Planet Innovation
With a team of over 250 experts and rising, Planet Innovation needed a brand new space providing flexibility for their impending growth. [ + ]
Automate your lab with helpful tools for liquid handling and homogenisation
Thermo Fisher Scientific provides a range of products designed to increase efficiency in the laboratory. [ + ]