Analytical instrumentation > Spectrometry

Cold gases and 'hot' superconductors

13 July, 2010

There may be a relatively simple, shared explanation for equivalent behaviours of ultracold atomic gases and high-temperature superconductors.

Agilent Technologies triple quadruple GC/MS pesticide analysers

07 June, 2010 by

Agilent Technologies has introduced two triple quadruple GC/MS pesticide analysers. They are complete, factory-configured, highly sensitive and chemically tested systems that can identify a range of commonly analysed pesticide residues.

Cropscan 2000B near infrared transmission analyser

25 March, 2010 by

The Cropscan 2000B near infrared transmission analyser is suitable for use by grain processors, flour millers, stock feed manufacturers, oil seed crushers, meal manufacturers and biofuel producers.

PerkinElmer Atomax hollow cathode lamps

25 March, 2010 by

PerkinElmer has expanded its Atomax line of 1.5 hollow cathode lamps in its atomic spectroscopy consumables portfolio.

ABB MB3600-PH research-grade FT-NIR spectrometer

25 March, 2010 by

The MB3600-PH research-grade FT-NIR spectrometer provides accurate measurements for a broad range of pharmaceutical and life science applications.

Ocean Optics NIRQuest fibre-optic near-infrared spectrometer

03 February, 2010 by

NIRQuest from Ocean Optics is a fibre-optic near-infrared spectrometer easily adaptable for cost-effective online process control measurements from 900-2500 nm. A diverse range of applications includes moisture detection in grains and meats, materials characterisation of semiconductor components, bacterial detection in food and beverage production, and chemical analysis of pharmaceuticals.

Glass Expansion U-Series glass concentric nebuliser

20 January, 2010 by

The U-Series glass concentric nebuliser features a sample channel that is uniform from the entry point to the tip, reducing blockages and washout time, and increasing sample throughput.

FOSS XDS MasterLab NIR System

20 January, 2010 by

The FOSS XDS MasterLab NIR System provides NIR analysis for rapid non-destructive measurements of solid dosage forms and solids in vials.

Genesys 10S Vis & 10S UV-Vis NS BioMate 3S spectrophotometers

26 November, 2009

Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Genesys 10S Vis, Genesys 10S UV-Vis and BioMate 3S spectrophotometers have been designed to deliver high-quality data for both research and routine analysis. The models offer local instrument control with embedded software that is simple and straightforward for routine samples, yet also has functionality for more demanding analysis.

Bruker maXis, ultrafleXtreme, amaZon and solariX

20 November, 2009 by

Bruker Daltonics has released its latest life science mass spectrometry tools.

iCAP 6200 ICP spectrometer application note

14 November, 2009

Thermo Fisher Scientific has published an application note to illustrate the capabilities of its iCAP 6200 ICP spectrometer for the analysis of toxic trace elements in children’s toys.

710-ES series of ICP-OES instruments

13 November, 2009 by

Varian has announced a series of productivity enhancements for its 710-ES series of ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometer) instruments.

NMR automation products

30 September, 2009 by

Varian has launched a suite of products to enhance the flexibility and automated use of its 400-MR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) system. The collection of tools comprises the OneNMR probe, a choice of two autosamplers and an easy-to-use, user-centric software package. Designed with enhanced sample throughput and streamlined data management in mind, it is claimed that each piece can improve laboratory workflows on its own.

Cartesian geometry EDXRF

17 September, 2009 by

Rigaku has introduced a benchtop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer, the Rigaku NEX CG, that delivers rapid qualitative and quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements in a wide variety of sample types with minimal standards.

ICP operating cost reduction

17 September, 2009 by

Glass Expansion has released the Niagara Plus accessory for ICP-OES and ICP-MS equipment. The Niagara Plus utilises flow injection technology to reduce the laboratory’s environmental footprint, halve the operating costs and double the sample throughput.

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