Lab equipment > Particle characterisation

Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions ApexR5 Remote Airborne Particle Counter

14 March, 2014

The ApexR5 Remote Airborne Particle Counter delivers a range of specifications, ensuring the critical data logged is of high accuracy. With its sloped front face and sealed connections, the product is compatible with all decontamination processes, meeting the requirements of technology-driven industries.

Horiba Partica LA-960960 laser diffraction particle-sizing instrument

05 March, 2014

Horiba has released the LA-960 laser diffraction particle-sizing instrument. The product has a wide measurement range of 0.01-5000 µ (up to 3000 µ for wet method). 3D data simulation, which generates scattered light patterns for Horiba's original optical layout, is used for calculation.

Malvern Mastersizer particle size analyser

27 February, 2014

The Mastersizer, from Malvern Instruments, is claimed to be the world's most widespread particle sizing instrument. The product utilises laser diffraction, which offers non-destructive automated measurement, sample flexibility, broad measurement range and fast data acquisition.

Physicists measure quantum particles with unprecedented accuracy

18 February, 2014

The Heisenberg principle states that it is impossible to jointly measure two incompatible quantities, eg, speed and location, of a quantum particle with perfect accuracy. Yet physicists at The University of Queensland (UQ) have come very close to doing just that.

Particle & Surface Sciences POLA 2000 liquid particle size analyser and counter

05 February, 2014

Particle & Surface Sciences has launched the POLA 2000, a particle size analyser and counter for liquids. The product is a robust, high-resolution particle counter designed for counting particles in liquids.

Malvern Zetasizer Nano system for nanoparticle and molecular characterisation

01 February, 2014

The Malvern Zetasizer Nano is a widely used system for nanoparticle and molecular characterisation. Proteins, polymers and colloids can quickly and accurately be measured for size, zeta potential, electrophoretic mobility and microrheology without consuming the sample.

Application note shows CG-MALS can quantify complex proteins

10 December, 2013

Wyatt Technology has published an application note highlighting a study on the complex interactions between proteins and how they modulate the rotational direction of bacteria flagella. The application note highlights the benefit of using composition-gradient multi-angle static light scattering (CG-MALS) to confirm the specific binding sites of the protein.

Ancient Roman glass inspires nanoparticle research

25 November, 2013

Scientists at the University of Adelaide's Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) have been inspired in their research by a 1700-year-old Roman glass cup.

Malvern Instruments Mastersizer 3000E particle sizer

24 October, 2013

Malvern has extended the Mastersizer family with the addition of the Mastersizer 3000E for particle sizing. The product is an entry-level addition to the range, based on the design of the Mastersizer 3000 but with more basic performance and software functionality.

Optical fibres enable a bright future for nanocrystal measurement

03 September, 2013

A team of researchers from Macquarie University, the University of Adelaide and Peking University has discovered a way to measure the world's most sensitive nanoparticle from a distance using light. The research has been published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

Nanoparticle tracking analysis characterises colloids in water

03 July, 2013

Particle and Surface Sciences Australia has reported on how nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), from Nanosight UK, is being implemented for the further characterisation of natural colloids (inorganic and organic) at the Institute of Water Resources and Water Supply at the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg in Germany.

Biomolecule engineering with nanoparticle tracking analysis

11 June, 2013

Particle and Surface Sciences Australia has reported on how nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), from NanoSight UK, is being used in the research project ‘Engineering of Biomolecules’ at the Lorraine University, based in Nancy.

Malvern Viscotek TDAmax and Zetasizer nano ZSP for macromolecular characterisation

26 March, 2013

The Viscotek system is a research-grade, temperature-controlled, multidetector SEC system combining light scattering, RI and intrinsic viscosity detectors. The DLS system Malvern Zetasizer nano ZSP adds protein measurement and microrheology capabilities to the Zetasizer family.

Particle & Surface Sciences EyeTech Particle Size and Shape Analyzer

01 March, 2013

Particle & Surface Sciences has announced that the EyeTech combines two single particle sizing methodologies - a dynamic laser technology and a dynamic video/camera technology - both on the same sample.

Wyatt Technology Mobius MP-PALS zeta potential analyser

30 January, 2013

The Möbiuζ (Mobius) is said to be the first and only light-scattering instrument that makes reliable, reproducible and non-destructive electrophoretic mobility measurements of macromolecules as small as 1 nm under dilute solution conditions.

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