Life Scientist > Life Sciences

mRNA vaccine created for deadly bacteria

14 March, 2023

In what is believed to be a world first, researchers have developed an mRNA-based vaccine that is 100% effective against a type of bacteria that is lethal to humans.

Understanding the roots of autism

27 February, 2023

In Fragile X syndrome, sensory signals from the outside world are integrated differently, causing them to be underrepresented by cortical pyramidal neurons in the brain.

Potential new function of the lymphatic system: producing blood

20 February, 2023

Until now, it was believed that blood cells derived solely from stem cells found in bone marrow.

Commercial dishwashers may damage protective layer in gut

31 January, 2023

Swiss researchers have found that a particular ingredient found in commercial rinse agents has a toxic effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Primordial germ cells produced from northern white rhinos

12 January, 2023

This is the first time that primordial germ cells of a large, endangered mammalian species have been successfully generated from stem cells, researchers say.

'Cell extrusion' could be responsible for vision loss

21 December, 2022

Visual cells in the human retina may not simply die in some diseases, but are in fact mechanically transported out of the retina beforehand.

Microbiome linked to depression in major studies

13 December, 2022

Dutch researchers say they have delivered the most extensive evidence to date of a relationship between the composition of the microbiome and instances of depression.

Scientists find the key to cellular movement

12 December, 2022

Scientists say that a key to cellular movement is to regulate the electrical charge on the interior side of the cell membrane, paving the way for understanding various types of cell motion.

Risk of cognitive decline following epilepsy surgery

02 December, 2022

While neuropsychological performance can recover in the long term after epilepsy surgery, on rare occasions, unexpected declines in cognitive performance occur.

Map of brain's memory hub reveals unexpected results

17 November, 2022

Scientists say they have made the most detailed map ever of the communication links between the hippocampus and the rest of the brain.

Pfizer's bivalent booster vaccine approved for Aust adults

15 November, 2022 by Lauren Davis

ATAGI has also recommended Pfizer's original vaccine in infants, and as a booster in older children, where they are at risk of severe illness from COVID-19.

Neuronal mechanism shows how maternal behaviour is learnt

11 November, 2022

The findings could serve as the basis for developing therapeutic interventions for conditions such as postpartum depression.

Mapping gene activity in brain cells from pre-birth to adulthood

10 November, 2022

By having a map of normal brain cell development, researchers will now be able to identify altered states more accurately in neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Strict parenting may 'hard-wire' depression risk — but brain changes are possible

07 November, 2022

Strict parenting can alter the way the body reads the DNA of children, increasing their biological risk for depression — but that doesn't make them immune to treatment.

Pomegranate metabolite boosts tumour-fighting immune cells

07 November, 2022

Urolithin A, a metabolite product from pomegranate, sustainably improves the function of immune cells in their fight against cancer.

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