Acquired traits can be inherited via small RNAs
08 December, 2011
Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers have found the first direct evidence that an acquired trait can be inherited without any DNA involvement. The findings suggest that Lamarck, whose theory of evolution was eclipsed by Darwin’s, may not have been entirely wrong.
Non-therapeutic use of antibiotics adding to antibiotic resistance loads
01 December, 2011
The evidence that non-therapeutic use of antibiotics is contributing to antibiotic resistance in the broader community is growing and researchers are now arguing for stricter regulation of the practice in the interest of public health.
Australia signs up to newly formed SKA organisation
25 November, 2011
Australia and New Zealand’s bid to host the square kilometre array (SKA) radio telescope took a step forward with the formation of the SKA Organisation.
Take a virtual ‘journey to the centre of the Earth’ with beam-line science
23 November, 2011
Scientists can now take a virtual look 400 km below the Earth’s surface to the upper mantle, the source of most magma or molten rock.
World's most bio-secure lab opens for business
18 November, 2011
The world’s most advanced bio-secure laboratory, the ACBRF, was officially opened at CSIRO’s Australian Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong.
JW - bold in para 1 - sense? DB Award for Gamma Knife brain treatment
02 November, 2011
A major award to research a treatment for a dangerous and silent brain abnormality has been received.
Optimal algorithm for determining focus error
27 October, 2011
Researchers have discovered how to extract and use information in an individual image to determine how far objects are from the focus distance.
Possible link between bacterium and colon cancer
21 October, 2011
Scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Broad Institute have found strikingly high levels of a bacterium in colorectal cancers, a sign that it might contribute to the disease and potentially be a key to diagnosing, preventing and treating it.
Evidence for first production of oxygen on Earth
21 October, 2011
A new study is believed to have resolved a major debate about when oxygen began to be produced on Earth and how long it took before oxygen levels were enough to support the growth of life.
Cycad is not a ‘dinosaur plant’
21 October, 2011
The widely held belief that cycads are ‘dinosaur plants’ and were around during dinosaur times has been categorically debunked in a breakthrough study of international significance.
Hypertension may be misdiagnosed
20 October, 2011
70,000 Australians may have undetected high blood pressure because of sphygmomanometer errors, according to new study.
New way to screen for brain cancer discovered
18 October, 2011
Researchers have developed a new way to screen for brain cancer stem cell killers.
Researchers reconstruct genome of the 'Black Death'
18 October, 2011
An international research team based in Germany has sequenced the entire genome of the 'Black Death'.
Patent improves speed of DNA analysis
18 October, 2011
A US researcher has patented a process that reduces the time it takes to perform DNA analysis from hours to minutes.
Physicists turn liquid into solid using an electric field
17 October, 2011
Physicists have predicted that under the influence of sufficiently high electric fields, liquid droplets of certain materials will undergo solidification.