Bacterial genomes found lurking
30 April, 2005
When scientists finished sequencing the genomes of seven species of fruit fly last year, little did they know that they had also sequenced the genes of several bacteria that dwell undetected inside fruit fly embryos.
Metabolic mouse cage
21 April, 2005 | Supplied by:
The Nalgene mouse metabolic cage is claimed to be the first metabolic cage specifically designed to collect urine and faeces from a single mouse.
Protein expression
16 March, 2005 | Supplied by: Millennium Science Pty Ltd
The QPix2xt automates to front-end multi-stage process of generating expression clones in bacterial and other systems.
PCR products
16 March, 2005 | Supplied by:
Mirella Research offers a comprehensive range of PCR products that are certified RNase/DNase-free, Human DNA/PCR inhibitors-free and non-pyrogenic.
Automated genomic DNA isolation
16 March, 2005 | Supplied by:
BioSprint 15 and BioSprint 96 workstations and kits provide rapid and cost-efficient automated sample preparation - whatever the throughput needs. BioSprint 15 can process 1 to 15 samples or up to 96 samples can be processed with the BioSprint 96.
Metabolomics - an important emerging science
08 March, 2005 by Dr John Ryals*
As with any emerging science there is some controversy regarding nomenclature, but the newly formed Metabolomics Society seems to be adhering to a convention consistent with the other '-omic' sciences
Large DNA microarray dataset publicly available
18 February, 2005
As the next phase of DTI’s Measurements for Biotechnology (MfB) program to 2007 gets underway, a large DNA microarray dataset generated by an LGC-led consortium during the first phase is now freely available online at ArrayExpress, a public repository managed by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI).
Cell culture mapping system
08 February, 2005 | Supplied by: Madry Technologies
In a recent project, electrophysiology researchers at Westmead Hospital in Sydney required a system to acquire and analyse signals measured using a micro-electrode array
Blowing in the wind: gene patents
30 September, 2004
The victory of biotechnology giant Monsanto over Canadian farmer Mr Percy Schmeiser in the Supreme Court of Canada has sent a powerful message to Australian farmers - not just about GM crops, but about all plant technologies, according to ANU law expert Dr Matthew Rimmer.
Genetic basis for metabolic diseases detected
26 September, 2004
Oxford geneticists have closed in on the genetic basis for risk factors of metabolic diseases such as hypertension, obesity and diabetes.
Maybe not a 'pox on you'
23 September, 2004
A breakthrough in identifying the mechanisms that control mousepox could pave the way to better protection against the use of smallpox by terrorists.
Osteoarthritis measuring tool
20 September, 2004
Researchers from Monash University's Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine are claiming to have revolutionised knee scans with the development of technology that harnesses the power of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Dolphin-View gel documentation system
16 August, 2004 | Supplied by: SciTech Pty Ltd
The Dolphin-View image system for basic gel documentation is a standalone system that includes compact darkroom large built-in LCD monitor, on-screen touch panel, built-in operation software, 3.5" floppy disk, Epi-white light, 312 nm UV transilluminator and Dolphin-View band tool analysis software.
Two-dimensional protein mapping
16 August, 2004 | Supplied by:
ProteoSep technology from Eprogen enables comprehensive mapping of complex protein mixtures using a combination of chromatofocusing and hydrophobic reverse phase chemistries together with visualisation software.
Microplate reader
16 August, 2004 | Supplied by:
Molecular Devices has developed FlexStation, a scanning microplate reader and fluidics transfer workstation that allows users to obtain real-time kinetic data milliseconds before and after fluid transfer events. The ability to perform microplate-to-microplate transfers, prompt kinetic reads and multi-wavelength detection options offers flexibility for drug discovery or research efforts.