Delivering DNA into B cells
15 October, 2014Singaporean scientists have developed a strategy to deliver foreign DNA into B cells - a group of infection-fighting white blood cells in the immune system that have proven extremely difficult to transfect without the use of dangerous viruses.
DiLYX OptiSol protein solubility screening kits
13 October, 2014 | Supplied by: Sapphire BioscienceOptiSol protein solubility kits from DiLYX are plate-based arrays designed for screening protein stability and buffer optimisation. The kits can be used with proteins from 5 to 300 kDa, identifying formulations which prevent aggregation or are able to de-aggregate specific proteins.
Phenomenex Novum SLE sorbent
07 October, 2014 | Supplied by: Phenomenex AustraliaPhenomenex has introduced Novum Simplified Liquid Extraction (SLE), a novel, synthetic alternative to traditional diatomaceous earth SLE (also known as supported liquid extraction) products and a simplified approach to traditional liquid-liquid extraction (LLE).
African skeleton throws light on our origins
01 October, 2014The DNA of an African skeleton, belonging to a man who lived over 2000 years ago in the southernmost tip of Africa, has thrown light on humanity's earliest common genetic ancestry.
GDMS Micro Plate Read microplate analyser
01 October, 2014 | Supplied by: IntermedThe Micro Plate Read is a user-friendly microplate analyser which is designed to measure and interpret in-vitro enzyme immunoassay results. The device can read an entire plate within seconds.
Tecan Freedom EVO NGS workstation
26 September, 2014 | Supplied by: Tecan AustraliaTecan has launched the Freedom EVO NGS workstation to simplify next-generation sequencing (NGS) sample preparation and PCR set-up. Offering user-friendly, walkaway automation of library preparation at the touch of a button, it eliminates the need for extensive manual processing.
Sigma Life Science OligoEvaluator v2.0 oligonucleotide sequence calculator
26 September, 2014 | Supplied by: MerckSigma Life Science offers an enhanced version of its online oligonucleotide sequence calculator. OligoEvaluator has the functionality to help users make critical experimental decisions - 10 sequences at a time.
Sigma Life Science gene synthesis service
25 September, 2014 | Supplied by: MerckGene synthesis is an efficient alternative to molecular cloning for custom gene production, eliminating the struggle of cloning and building genes to the user's specifications.
Life Technologies Ion AmpliSeq Transcriptome Solution
09 September, 2014 | Supplied by: Thermo Fisher ScientificTranslational researchers who previously could not obtain global gene expression profiles from biobank samples due to limited amounts of tissue now have access to a wealth of valuable RNA data with the launch of the Ion AmpliSeq Transcriptome Solution for the Ion Proton System.
Rapid malaria detection with just a drop of blood
09 September, 2014
Singaporean scientists have invented a technique to detect malaria within minutes from a single drop of blood. The method was developed by the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) in collaboration with Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
Cayman Chemical PURO-Fluor Protein Synthesis Labeling Kit
05 September, 2014 | Supplied by: Sapphire BioscienceThe PURO-Fluor Protein Synthesis Labeling Kit from Cayman Chemical is a convenient, non-radioactive method for measuring protein synthesis by flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy. The kit employs the cell-permeable, alkyne-containing puromycin analog O-Proargyl-puromycin (OPP).
Mapping our microbial footprints
04 September, 2014Despite how hard we may try to scrub ourselves clean with antibacterial soap, it appears that humans are more tightly bound to our surrounding microbes than we thought.
Macherey Nagel NucleoSpin Food lysis and DNA purification system
03 September, 2014 | Supplied by: Scientifix Pty LtdNucleoSpin isolation technology from Macherey Nagel provides a lysis and DNA purification system for nearly all types of food samples. Even low amounts of partially degraded DNA can be purified from complex matrices.
Don't overlook what’s underfoot - save the bugs and germs
26 August, 2014 by Andrew BeattieOne of the biggest problems for conservation today is that it ignores 95% of all known species on Earth. Could a company ignore that proportion of its clients or a government so many of its voters? So why does this problem exist in conservation?
Portable blood tests for evaluating concussions
20 August, 2014Abbott Point of Care and the US Department of Defense have announced a collaboration to develop portable blood tests to help evaluate potential concussions, also called mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) - a significant health concern for military service members.