Temperature Baths
14 September, 2000 | Pyrosales Pty Ltd
Hart Scientific temperature baths provide stable, uniform temperatures for calibrating thermocouples, PRTs, RTDs, thermistors and other types of thermometers. Each bath may be used on a benchtop or with its optional floor cart, which includes a built-in storage cabinet.
14 September, 2000 | Kenelec Scientific Pty Ltd
TSI has two TH-Calc Thermohygrometers for measuring temperature and humidity. Each handheld instrument uses a single probe to measure multiple parameters. The Model 8720 measures temperature and humidity and calculates dew point. The Model 8722 adds data logging and performs wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity, humidity ratio and % outside air calculations.
50 mm Trackerballs
14 September, 2000 | Control Devices Australia
Penny & Giles Computer Products has a range of 50 mm diameter trackerballs aimed at demanding applications like the industrial, medical and military markets. The trackerballs incorporate a design using PTFE coatings with the end result being a very smooth seal without the 'stickiness' normally associated with dustproof trackerball designs.
Mammalian Genomic DNA Purification Kit
14 September, 2000 | Merck
The Sigma GenElute Mammalian Genomic DNA Purification Kit provides a simple and convenient way to isolate pure high molecular weight DNA from a variety of mammalian sources.
Laptop Freeze Dryer
14 September, 2000 | In Vitro Technologies Pty Ltd
The Lyolab 3000 laptop freeze dryer features a twin-capillary tube system called Power Dry. The principle reduces the time required to reach operating temperature, at the same time providing an ice tapping capacity in a compact laboratory freeze drying unit.
Noncontact Thermometers
16 August, 2000 | ECEFast
Raytek offers enhanced versions of the high performance non-contact ST series thermometers.
Micro Test Tube
16 August, 2000 | Eppendorf South Pacific Pty Ltd
The Eppendorf Standard Micro Test Tube 3810X has improved lid geometry. Opening and closing tubes is a lot easier, with the optimised lid hinge giving better positioning for sealing and enabling the entire lid surface to be closed evenly. Handling convenience is boosted by the specially developed slanting tube lip, which offers a larger surface for opening and closing.
Robotic Protein Handling System
16 August, 2000 | Micromass
The MassPREP Station is the multifunctional robotic protein handling system developed for The ProteomeWorks System. Incorporating flexible Windows NT-based applications software with pull-down menus and simple user prompts, the MassPREP Station also includes a range of standard sample preparation and digest protocols. However, user customisation of the standard protocols or the scripting of novel protocols is supported.
Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers
16 August, 2000 | Stanton Scientific Company
The HAL-RC series of Residual Gas Analysers brings together a range of quadrupole, ion source and detector configurations. The compact HALO 100-RC has 1 x 10-11 mbar minimum detectable partial pressure and the dual Faraday/Single Channel Electron Multiplier detection system of the HAL 201-RC has 5 x 10-14 mbar minimum detectable partial pressure. Each is calibrated against a standard reference calibration gas and secondary standard ionisation gauge.
UHP hydrogen generators
02 July, 2000 | domnick hunter Pty Limited
domnick hunter has extended its Nitrox range of laboratory gas generators to include three new models of hydrogen gas generators.
Capillary LC system
02 July, 2000 | Keysight Technologies Australia Pty Ltd
The Agilent 1100 Series capillary LC system offers increased sensitivity for analysing limited sample volumes typically found in the biopharmaceutical research environment.
Microinjection system
02 July, 2000 | Eppendorf South Pacific Pty Ltd
Eppendorf has developed the FemtoJet Microinjector for the efficient transfer of foreign molecules into living cells.
HPLC columns
02 July, 2000
Reversed-phase chromatography (RPC) does not work for everything. PolyLC has developed hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) columns that offer quick, isocratic separation of small, polar solutes normally eluting in the void in RPC, with online MS/MS quantitation.
Sample Tracking
02 July, 2000 | Thermo Fisher Scientific
Matrix Technologies has developed a tube identification system that will track and identify samples with ease and with a guaranteed chain of custody.
Pathology specimen management system
02 July, 2000 | Ai Scientific Pty Ltd
The PathFinder Automated Tube Management System can automate pathology specimen handling to improve productivity and to reduce costs, error rates and risk of infection to laboratory staff.